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Verbs, Adverbs, and Adjectives        動詞、副詞、形容詞


Hello everyone, today in part two of this series on parts of speech in the English language let's take a look at the next three parts of speech: what they are and how they are used. For the sake of simplicity I've included the definitions for these parts of speech below. Once again, I want to give you a few opportunities to test out your understanding of the materials being covered in the blog with some simple questions. Enjoy.


  1. Verbs- Verbs are words that show what the subject in a sentence is doing. Within this we have four main divisions with one smaller part. They are as follows.          動詞:文章にでてくる主語が何をしているかを表してくれます。

  2. adverb- These are words that are used to modify a verb.               副詞:動詞を修飾します。

  3. Adjectives- These are words that are used to describe either nouns or pronouns and generally work as a way to add detail.                          形容詞:名詞または代名詞を説明する言葉、あるいは詳しい情報を加える言葉です。

Francis quickly(2) went(1) to the supermarket to buy(1) various(3) fresh(3) vegetables to use(1) for tonight's(2) dinner.

2. Quickly - At a fast speed.                             素早く

1. Went - Past of tense of the verb go.                        “go”の動詞の過去形

1. Buy - To obtain in exchange for payment.                       お金を払って何かを得る

3. Various - Different from one another.                         様々な

3. Fresh - Recently made or obtained                         新生

1. Use - The means of accomplishing something with the purpose of achieving a result.     結果を満たすために何かを完成する

2. Tonight - On the present or approaching evening or night.                これから来る夜

So here is a sentence you can attempt to classify if you want to test out your understanding.                                   理解力を試して見たい方、こちらの文章をやって見ましょう。

Dalton practices his English every day early in the morning by watching new videos on YouTube as he eats breakfast.

Try your understanding of the material above by writing the word that is either a noun or a proper noun next to the numbers below.                           上の文章を読んで、名詞あるいは代名詞の言葉を適切の数字の隣に書いてみましょう。







Answer Key: 答え

Dalton always(2) practices(1) English every day early(3) in the morning by watching(1) new(3) videos on YouTube as he eats(1) breakfast.

2. Always - At all times いつも

1. Practice - To carry out or perform a particular activity, method, or custom habitually or regularly.                                     あるアクティビティ、方法、または習慣を習慣的に行うこと。

3. Early - happening or done before the usual or expected time              予定時間より早くやる、起こる

1. Watching - To look at or observe attentively over a period of time.            時間をかけて何かを見る、観察する

3. New - Having not existed before.                          今まで存在していなかった

1. Eats - To put food into the mouth and chew and swallow it.               食べ物を口に入れて、噛んで、飲み込む




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