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To Be or Not to Be (Part 1)


Updated: Jul 15, 2019

Are you looking to improve your English skills?

Today, let's master the verb "to be".


One of the most common verbs in English is the verb "to be". Knowing how to use this verb correctly will benefit your writing and speaking.

When beginners learn English, it's easy to make the following mistake:

I is happy.
He are lonely.

Where as, these sentences should read:

I am happy.
He is lonely.

Q: Do you know when to use the right verb?

Let's look at the following chart below. "To be" needs to agree with the subject. Subjects can be either singular or plural (more than one). In English the verb "to be" needs to agree with the subject of the sentence. Subjects are either singular or plural and need to be included when speaking and writing in English.

Simple Present Tense: Affirmative

Did you notice the subject "you" can be either singular or plural?

(Singular) (When talking to someone directly.)

You are my best friend.

(Plural) (When talking to a group of people.)

You are my best friends.

Notice the difference?

Hint: In the second sentence there in an addition of “s” that marks the object as being plural.


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