What’s in a decision?
Every week I meet with the building coordinator for ANACOM. Each meeting we tackle different aspects of design. This week could be what kind of lighting (spot, flood, down, glareless, pendant, etc..), placement, and where the switches to those lights are accessed. Next week could be deciding the mouldings for baseboard, casing, chair-rail, and crown—how big, what shape, what color. Each choice effects other choices. My goal is to visualize the elements as a whole, so that even if one aspect shifts, I am prepared to make adjustments.
However it seems inevitable that unexpected issues do arise—challenges that cannot be predicted without making those previous decisions. The unexpected can leave me reeling—like trying to wrestle water.

These ever changing obstacles do not surprise God. He has seen them coming, and knows the outcome. And perhaps a thousand different outcomes that could be. This is one reason God calls us to retreat into the intimate place of His presence and ask for wisdom to guide us.
“Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.” —Psalm 81:10b
This Psalm reminds us God is mighty to deliver from all trouble and guide us into what is good. It is the wisdom of Holy Spirit that plans for prosperity, plans to benefit us and not harm us. By quieting our harried minds and tuning in to the voice of goodness, we can move forward making decisions under the direction of a loving God and a kind king.
At ANACOM, some decisions we made turned out the way we wanted. Others came through miscommunications or spur of the moments choices that we are still trying to figure out. But I am trusting that the Lord is still guiding us along the way with plans for our benefit. I suppose this is where courageous belief factors in.
As artists we talk about happy accidents. Things we didn’t intend, but turn out better than we could’ve coerced. The same thing applies to any area we use our creativity. I am surprised time and time again by how even “mistakes” can inspire creative solutions that quite often turn out better than originally intended. I need to remind myself when things don’t go the way I envision—to relax, and move forward in power. God has a million ways to remedy any mistake I find myself facing. When I partner with Wisdom from Heaven, creative solutions are limitless.
The next time you need to make a decision, move forward in active partnership with the Spirit of Wisdom. You may be surprised by unexpected solutions.