オールネイションズのJ - Dance クラスは、プレママとベイビーがいるママたち、そして3歳かの幼児クラスと小学生の低学年クラス、中学年クラスが春からスタートします。クラシックバレエを基本としたJazzダンスの基本ステップ、ストレッチ、コンビネーション、即興や発展させてクリエイティブに踊るクラスです。Joyとは喜び、Jesus とは日本語でイエス・キリストのことです。
Jazz, Joy & Jesus
All Nation's J-Dance class starts this spring. From moms (pre-mama or with babies) as well as infant classes for elementary school students and elementary school kids lower and middle school classes. Jazz dance has it’s foundations in classical ballet with basic steps and stretching, and then explores creativity with combinations and improvisation.
Here at All Nations, our J-Dance is for Joy, Jesus and Japanese.
In this class we challenge our souls to "dance to God!" with exuberance and delight. I am waiting for students who want to discover themselves, for those who want to dance filled with fun from top to bottom, or for those who simply want to dance as a precious gift training the heart toward pure expression.