Hello once again, I hope that all of you are doing well these days. Last time I stated that I wanted to discuss different hobbies that you, or someone you might know, may be interested in. Last week we discussed cooking and baking. Today though, I want to look at some hobbies that deal with crafting or constructing with one's hands. So let’s get to it.
The first hobby that I want to discuss is Papier-mâché. If you’ve never heard of this craft before, let me explain it to you. Taking the paper, and some type of binding agent, such as carpenter’s glue, water, and flour, or some other substance that has a high quantity of starch, peel the paper into strips and submerge them into the substance of your choice above and form it into any number of things. Something that’s common to make would be a face mask. To make a facemask take a balloon, fill it with air, and lay strips on the surface of the balloon. Once the Papier-mâché has dried, take a pin and pop the balloon. This will leave you with a shell of sorts. From here you can cut your mask to the final shape you want and paint and decorate your mask.
So here are a number of terms that you might come across if you attempt to do some Papier-mâché. The full list can be found in the link below.
Polystyrene, styrofoam, styropleen-
Lightweight (usually white) expanded foam packing material used to protect delicate objects.
Used to help you form the object that you are making.
Carpenter's glue, Elmers, PVA-

Strong, white glue sold in builder's merchants or craft shops. Dries clear, is very strong, and is waterproof. Children's white glue is not as strong and is not recommended.
Here are some of the binders that are recommended when doing Papier-mâché.
The basecoat contains gypsum (plaster).
This would be helpful to make a project that would have been simply paper and making it something that is able to last a bit longer.

Instant papier-mache (sold in powder form to which you add water).
In many ways, this is a great way to introduce yourself to the hobby of Papier-mâché.
For the second hobby of the day, I want to discuss LEGO. This is something that I am even now, am quite interested in. LEGO is something that people of all ages can enjoy. Certainly, I think this is the case for most hobbies, but LEGO these days works to develop products that even their adult clientele can use and enjoy. So let’s discuss some of the interesting terms that come with this hobby.
Once again these terms are not my own, so if you are interested, please take a look at the links below.
A universal name for a LEGO piece. Also: In technical terms, often considered to refer to a piece of a specific shape and color (e.g. a black 1×1 plate is a different element than a blue 1×1 plate). Contrast with Brick.
I find it funny how technical some of these terms are, but like any hobby, these terms do have a meaning and are used to better convey to others who share their hobby what it is that they are talking about. Let’s continue on.
Adult Fan of LEGO. The most common term used to refer to LEGO fans who are adults.
This is where I am at this time in my life.

Big Ugly Rock Piece. The larger of two classic pre-fabricated LEGO elements traditionally available in gray and frequently included in LEGO castle sets.
Personally I love being able to use these, I just tend to decorate them a bit.

Studs Not On Top. A building technique that places LEGO elements on their sides or even upside down to achieve the shape or structure the builder wants in their creation.
I think this was one of the first terms that I committed to memory when I got back into LEGO as a hobby about 5 years ago.
Once again thank you for your time and I hope that you have been able to learn something new.