Good afternoon everyone, I hope that you are all doing well these days. Over the next few weeks I want to look at some common hobbies or activities and how you can talk about them in English. With the onset of COVID-19 I was intrigued by the number of people who took on new hobbies or worked at honing a skill of theirs. With many individuals and their families remaining at home, and limited access to restaurants initially, many people started to find interest in cooking and baking. A few people I personally knew, who before the pandemic did not think they could cook, had started to garden where they were growing their own vegetables, learned how to bake sourdough bread, and make handmade pasta. People who had more time, started to seek ways to better flavor their dinners, allowing their dishes to marinate or stew.
As for me, I grew up in a house where my father was a pastry chief, as a result from the age of 3-8years old, I remember waking up in the morning smelling the sent of flour, cream, and chocolate wafting through the air accompanied by the warmth found in a kitchen where an oven is working to bake numerous cakes and the clattering of my father’s cake mixer and various other tools of his trade. It was truly was magical time. Though I do not bake much myself, during college I started to cook more and more. Simply because cooking meant that I was able to make what I wanted for less money and because I could invite friends over for dinner. When I moved to Japan would go to the supermarket 3 or 4 times a week and get ingredients which I could use to make something scrumptious. Once again, because it was somewhat cheaper than eating out, and I was able to invite my friends over, or be invited over for dinner.
So today I want to look at a couple of terms that might be of interest to you. They are fairly random, but I hope that you can enjoy learning about these words.

Sauté - ソテー
The literal translation from French is to jump. It’s the process of taking an ingredient like mushrooms, onions, or some type of meat along with some fat like butter, heating the pan to high temperature and tossing or flipping the ingredients so that it can brown on both sides.
Dice - さいの目切り
This is means to cut an ingredient into uniform cubes, usually small. 材料は同じサイズのサイコロ形に切ること、普段は小さく。
Crimp - ひだを作る
To pinch or join the sides of something like a pie crust or pasta so that a seal is made.
Marinate - マリネード
It means to soak something such as meat, fish, or other food in a liquid substance such as a fruit juice, alcohol, or some type of sauce accompanied by various spices or ingredients that give off their flavor. 肉、魚、または他の食べ物を水分につけること。この水分は多くの場合果物、ジュース、アルコール、またはスパイスなどを入れられたソースです。
Marry - メリー(直訳:結婚する)
To meet or blend with something. I’ve included the example sentence from my dictionary. “Most Chardonnays don't marry well with salmon.” In essence we can use the word to describe how two ingredients or parts of the meal go together.
Thank you for your time, and I hope that you have a good day.